
"Jim here
, I figured this was a great place to tell the story of Get Rad

Get Rad Festival started in 2017, the sole aim was to highlight how great the underground community is and to showcase some amazing bands. 
Back in 2017 the first event was a simple one day, one venue event with 11 bands performing... it was amazing, even to this day I think it's one of my favourites. The vibes were great and the support for this stupid idea I had was insane!
By 2019 we had jumped to another much bigger venue with 2 rooms and 2 stages and I think around 28 bands or something... can't quite remember, it was amazing... then... boom, COVID 19 and we truly thought that maybe the last ever Get Rad.
Jump forward to 2022 and we had to essentially start again but with the support of the amazing GR community we were able to finished our biggests GR to date, boasting over 34 bands over two venues in two days! It was amazing and we had a great time....

The events keep getting bigger and we keep trying to thing up the best parties anyone would want to go to!
We can't wait for next year and beyond
And as always remember stay Rad!"